“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” — Albert Einstein
Hello lovely people:
I want to tell you about an exciting learning opportunity I'm embarking upon. It's a 6-month mentorship and training academy for breast, chest and oncology massage offered through The Mastectomy Guide, whose mission is to fill the gap in breast and top surgery rehabilitation services.
I am learning to offer therapeutic breast massage as a part of my professional development so I can help people recovering from breast and chest surgery, as well as general breast health. As part of this program, I’ll need real bodies to practice upon. I’m looking for anyone with breast tissue, from perfectly healthy to those who have had elective breast/chest surgery, to those who have undergone cancer treatments and/or surgery.
People seek out therapeutic breast massage for a variety of reasons. Some non-surgical reasons are:
Breast tenderness around menstrual cycle
Reduce breast congestion
Promote healthy circulation and lymphatic flow
Preventative care
Breast and chest massage assists in the prep for, and recovery from, a variety of surgeries, including:
Breast cancer surgery, such as mastectomy, lumpectomy and breast reconstruction
Elective breast surgery, such as augmentations, reductions and lifts
Gender-affirming surgery, such as FTM or MTF top surgery
I am working under the guidance of a mentor to assist me in providing ethical and professional breast massage so together we can lift the societal taboos of working on this sensitive part of the body in a safe, practical and comfortable way.
All treatments are done in a professional manner with proper draping and treatment protocols in place. Treatments are non-sexual in nature and are based around a therapeutic intent. Treatments are done in a private setting and client confidentiality is upheld in all instances.
Informed consent is very important, so you know exactly what is happening and why. You can ask as many questions as you like, and we won’t start until you are sure about the treatment ahead. There will be a written consent form to fill out before the treatment starts, that shows you are in agreement for the treatment to happen and that you are fully comfortable and on board with the process.
The practice sessions are free of charge as they are a learning situation for me. I may have books or videos present to assist me in applying the information I am learning.
The first treatment takes 75 minutes, and subsequent sessions are often 60 minutes, but if desired we can increase the treatment length, we just need to decide ahead of time what the treatment length will be.
If you would like to be a practice body, please reach out to me and we can find a time that works.
If you know of anyone else who you think may benefit from this style of treatment, please let them know about me and feel free to pass on my contact details.
Thank you very much!
Get in Touch
1008-A Templin Ave., Bardstown KY 40004
Inside Above and Beyond Acupuncture